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  • Kimberly Pinello

Graves Mill, Madison VA

The parking lot for Graves Mill is small but can hold 8 trailers if properly parked. There usually aren't many trailers there

The parking lot for Graves Mill is located on the corner of Graves Road and Graves Mill Road, Madison. Its not marked but its obvious. It holds approx 8 large trailers. You will park there and ride up Graves Road about a mile to the trail head. We usually ride up to President Hoovers Camp, have lunch and ride back down. There is a porta-potty at cam Hoover. It is around a 12 mile trip. You can always extend the trip another mile to a beautiful water fall on the trail to the right just after Hoovers Camp, or two more miles on the trail to the left to Big Meadow, or if you are really adventurous you can ride over the mountain to Graves Mountain Lodge. Its rocky so your horse will need shoes or boots on all four. The scenery is gorgeous, with the river right next to you most of the ride. There are 3 great river crossings and two bridges. You can cross through the river if you do not want to cross the bridge. There is a great swimming hole about 1 mile into the trail. The entire ride is shaded and its usually a few degrees cooler there in the hot summer months.

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