Galloping Grape
Saddles, Tack & Wine
143 E. Shirley Avenue Warrenton, VA 20186
Mon-Sat 10-5
Western, Dressage, Treeless & English Saddles

We offer a robust selection of lightly-used saddles for every style rider.

The Galloping Grape
Every used english saddle we receive is thoroughly inspected for any damage, unusual wear and soundness of the tree. We clean and condition it top to bottom and ensure the leather is soft and supple. Since our saddles are pre-owned we carry a wide variety of the best brands.

Warrenton, VA

The Galloping Grape
Every used western saddle we receive is thoroughly inspected for any damage, unusual wear and soundness of the tree. We clean and condition it top to bottom and ensure the leather is soft and supple. We receive new gently used saddles every day.

Warrenton, VA
The Galloping Grape
Every used dressage saddle we receive is thoroughly inspected for any damage, unusual wear and soundness of the tree. We clean and condition the saddle top to bottom and ensure the leather is soft and supple. We receive gently used saddles in every day.

Warrenton, VA

The Galloping Grape
Treeless saddles are designed to fit a wide variety of horses, from average to wide. No saddle will fit every horse, but the treeless offers greater versatility. They are light weight and extremely comfortable for both horse and rider. Often the saddle of choice for endurance riders and trail riders. Distributor of Ghost Treeless Saddles

Warrenton, VA
Robust Selection Of The World’s Finest Wines
